This Aging thing...
09s Founder, Krista Sandford-Hill - World Renowned Specialist in ‘Health Span’
The Science of living a GREAT LIFE
Strength and Fitness
Gut Health
Hormone Health
Blood Sugar Stability
Immune System Health
Heart Health
Brain Health
YES we cover it ALL.
No Pain - No Gain
That one is outdated and harmful. Instead welcome to balanced, sustaining and building. We listen to your body and we teach you how to do this too.
Hear Incredible Stories from to our 09 Family

What does THRIVING feel like?
Before joining 09, we answered this with…
“Thriving?! Are you kidding?”
The 09 Thrive Community is causing a BIG disruption to what society suggests our bodies should be and do.
Most of us are over 40 and LOVING IT.
We build RESILIENCE and CAPACITY, for life and all it’s curve balls…
The curvier, stronger and faster the better.