Earlier this year, I re-qualified my L1, as is required every 5 years to stay current. I must have slipped through the net, as I somehow made it almost 7 years before the call up....
Anyway, I was reminded of something I picked up at the very first course, way back in 2008.
When coaching and cueing someone through a movement, and they are improving, you should praise them. But it can be tempting to give too much praise, eg "that was perfect!!"
Of course, nothing is ever perfect. And it's highly unlikely that this particular athlete has even come close to perfection at this early stage in their training.
What is encouraged instead, is to say, "that's better!"
A positive reinforcement, but also being quite clear, that there is room for better still. And better again. And again. We should never be satisfied with our movement.
Not to the point where we are endlessly hard on ourselves, always disappointed with our efforts. No, let's celebrate our improvements (just check out the December Brag Board for amazing evidence of that.....), but then reset our sights on the next goal.
Now this brings me back to perfect movement.
It may be impossible to ever truly attain, but why not chase it?
If you have ever been on the receiving end of a stern talk from Coach Krista about your lapse in good form, she has likely said to you that you should always be striving for perfect movement. I think too many of you hear that and automatically dismiss it as an impossible goal..... (after all, she is the maestra of positivity
But if you watch her lifting a heavy barbell, you might be persuaded otherwise. Look around the gym next time you're training, and see the people who are chasing the next kilo on the bar, or 5 seconds off the clock, versus those who are striving to move better than the last time they trained.
Of course, nothing is ever perfect.
But that shouldn't stop you from trying for 'better'
Short week this week and next, don't forget our holiday hours.... be sure to pick a handful of 'fun' looking travel workouts from the tab on our community page if you're itching to do something over the holidays. A hard run on the beach, or tabata pushups, situps and squats is as complicated as you need to make it, don't go planning anything elaborate, and make sure you take some rest days. The idea is to REST and RECHARGE. I want to see you chomping at the bit to get back to training in the new year.