Some of our Incredible 09 THRIVE Community

Fit, Fabulous...and 50

by Adam Taylor-Eruera

I joined 09 Thrive in Sept 2019. I had just started a job at Auckland Zoo and one of my colleagues Annalese (who has just rejoined after a break) mentioned it to me and the rest is history.

I have never been a gym person. I’ve always been active though but eating has always been an issue for me. One of my greatest achievements was losing 20kg’s a few years back and now my dream is to rock speedo’s when I’m 50 (-:

by Anita Simpson

Based in Mt Albert, Wolf Walks is a boutique dog training and walking service, offering puppy training, structured walks and homestays for dogs of all ages.

Wolf Walks

by Antonia Tellis

From 2016-2019 I founded and ran a feminist escort agency in Whangarei called The Bach. I call it "feminist" because we were 100% consent based, we screened clients for safety and respect, and we offered far and away the highest hourly wage available to young women in Northland.

The Bach

by Kate Reagle van West

SpinPoi is a social enterprise dedicated to improving health and wellbeing through poi. We support individuals and organizations across the globe with evidence-based programs, specializing in improving quality of life for seniors.

Spin Poi

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