
First it was a sub 3min Fran... formerly only for the very best HQ staff to demonstrate at seminars to jaw dropping reception, now performed every weekend by seminar attendees.......

Then it was knowing how to butterfly pullup.... it used to be like a secret code, if someone found out you knew how to do them, you were hounded for the 'secret'.  This weekend at the IA Invitational, we may have had athletes doing conventional kips for their first time!!

Next was snatching 100kg... and again, at the IAI, 100kg was performed for reps.....

Free standing handstand pushups are quite in right now.... as are back rolls to support, triple unders and strict HSPU.

And so are Nano PR's....

What are those you ask?

It's an amazing lift that is normally done with the aid of Oly shoes......however, you bust it out wearing your trusty sneakers, like it's no big deal.....

Kara Webb  won the Overhead Squat 1RM at last years CrossFit Games with 110kg, in a pair of Nanos.  Rich Froning, 4 time male winner of the Games is renowned for not bothering with Olympic lifting shoes.

Point is, there is a time and place for Oly shoes, and belts, and wrist wraps and gloves, and even chalk...... (gasp! sacrilege I know..... 

When is that time and place?   Well it will depend who you talk to, but there's no hard and fast rule.  Here are a couple of guidelines though.

When you SHOULDN'T wear Olys.

Back squats, Deadlifts, Box Jumps, KB Swings and Running..... (hopefully the last one was obvious..... 

There is no need for an elevated heel position in these movements, and the hard sole may even be detrimental to performance.  Many people feel more comfortable wearing them for back squats, but you may just be avoiding the issue of not having enough mobility to back squat well.  Address the problem, don't skirt it...

When you MIGHT wear Olys.

In competition to achieve a more efficient position - front squats, wall balls, pistols, and of course Oly lifts.  Some people find their Olys grip the rope better on climbs too.   But it's good to practice all these movements without Olys as well.

When you SHOULD wear Olys.

Oly lifting.....duh.  This is what they are designed for.  And if you want to get good at them, a pair of Oly shoes will help.. Plus they feel pretty bad arse.

BUT, don't forget, SHOULD doesn't mean you HAVE to.  If you have issues with squat depth, ankle mobility or torso position, Oly shoes will help a lot.  But take that as a sign to WORK on those things, not to use the shoes to forever avoid them.  For those into the competitive side of CrossFit, you need to be comfortable no matter what; so you should practice snatching in your running shoes, box jumping and running in your Oly shoes as you never know what kind of challenge will be thrown your way.  I remember heavy OH Squats followed by a sandbag run UP the side of a cycle velodrome.  Impossible to wear Oly shoes for that one, adapt or perish.....


