We're throwing back on Thursday to one of our OG members, Rach Bailey. Rach started at CFNZ and now trains at RCF09, so we thought it would be good to introduce her around again.
When did you discover CrossFit?
About 4 years ago! Did my intro at CFNZ in November 2010 and joined up in January 2011.
How did you end up walking through our doors for the first time? Was there a pivotal event that led you to us?
My brother Craig actually got me onto it…. Told me I could workout in only 7 minutes and that pretty much sold me.. We used to head down to the park behind our house and do copious amounts of body weight exercises.. all of which we soon learnt would be “NO REPS” . Craig looked into it a bit further and we found CFNZ at the old gym on Pilkington road…. We went to the free trial class and I was hooked straight away. Craig joined 6 months later once I started getting better at CrossFit than he was.....
Fave training shoes?
Reebok Nanos. Apologies to all of those who I blinded from the brightness when my customs arrived….
Can you remember your first workout? What was it like?
I cant actually remember.. I think it had running, slam balls and push ups in it?! Either way I remember feeling extremely sick…. And someone telling me that it would get easier…. I wish I knew who that someone was because they lied to me. It never gets easier, you just start to love the feeling.
What tunes do you like working out to?
Do you know every time I read someone’s answer to this question it says “Oh I cant hear the music after the workout starts” and I don’t get it!. I can ALWAYS hear the music! I love working out to old hip hop actually…. Oh and Xmas Carol day… that’s my favourite by far J
What has been one of the biggest things in your life that has changed since starting CrossFit?
It’s a funny thing you don’t really realise how much things have changed until someone asks this question.
In the last few years I’ve done a complete 180 change in mindset, my overall health and general attitude towards my health. Before Crossfit I didn’t exactly look after myself and generally had absolutely no regard for the damage I was doing to my body on a daily basis. But a few months in, I gave up the pack a day smoking habit, the daily beer drinking sessions, the crap food and started actually REALLY LOVING how I was training and how I was feeling. It wasn’t a chore going to the gym, I WANTED to train. Happy, healthy, strong in mind and body. So simple!
What are you doing when you aren't CrossFitting?
In real life I’m a Corporate Underwriter for an insurance company.. and in more interesting news I love to cook, spend time with some amazing humans I'm lucky enough to call friends…and travel as much as I possibly can for fun.. In the last 9 months I've been to 12 countries and counting!
Is there a CFNZ member who inspires you?
Only one??
Watching anyone do something that they didn’t think they could. Be it a push up or a muscle up or lifting something really heavy over head.
When someone can dig really deep when it matters and achieve something they didn’t think possible, I think that’s pretty cool.
What achievement in the gym are you most stoked about?
Probably an 87.5 kilo back squat! Didn’t wipe the smile off my face for a few days after that one.
Pull ups, because they took me SO long to get and took SO much practise.
What would you like to have achieved a year from now?
Oh wow, SO MUCH!
Have a few more comps under my belt, improved Olympic lifts, but… Mostly – A Muscle Up. I’ve got a bet going with a friend on who will be first to get there.. so anyone who has any secrets, tips and tricks they want to give me when I'm swinging around aimlessly on those rings after class – I'm all ears.... (Editors note: CTB and ring dips Rach, plus lots of these.... 😉