It's a point of pride here to not only vary the workouts on a regular basis, but to keep introducing new movements through our warmups as well.
Basic tumbling drills find their way into the warmups from time to time.
Do you hate when that happens, or can’t wait to embrace your inner Nadia Comaneci?
If you think about it though, isn’t it kind of weird that in CrossFit we get really hung up on trying to perform a bodyweight snatch, or a butterfly pullup, arguably not 100% natural movements, yet being able to fall to the ground without harm is not something we think to practice as much?
I can see it all the time when we practice these types of movements……. a slight hesitation, some missing confidence.
Given that falls are a major issue for humans as they age, it might just be something worth practicing more often.
A ninja dive-rolling granny? I’d pay to see that, but I’d prefer that it became the norm one day.
Some amazing gymnastics due on our screens this month no doubt, thanks to Rio!!