As our membership grows, we'll be running regular profiles so that you can get to know everyone better.
But we'd better start with the coaches and interns that you will be seeing everyday and learning from at RCF09.
Krista is a radiation therapist at a private clinic in central Auckland. She has a sporting background in rock climbing, endurance sport and tree climbing! Yes, it's a sport, and if you want to learn how to climb a rope effectively, get out to CrossFit NZ this Sunday 10am to learn from the best.
Along with assisting the coaches at RCF09, Krista is also the projects manager for RCF09, if something needs doing, then talk to her, and it will be done last week.....
If you've met her, you've probably met her boxer dog Baxter.....and once he's big enough to travel, you'll meet the latest addition to the family, bearded dragon George.....
Her favourite exercise is the snatch, and her least favourite is wallball....which is why you'll often see her after a workout, doing 20 reps..
Work up to a heavy Hang Squat Snatch in 10mins,
Hang Power Snatch + Hang Squat snatch
- EMOM for 7 rounds
400m run
20Kb Swings 24/16
15 Hand release Pushups
10 Wallball
Rest 2mins
3 rounds
Power Shrug + Hang Power Snatch
EMOM for 12 rounds
400m run
15 KB swings
10 burpees
Rest 2mins
3 rounds