CONGRATULATIONS to your February Member of the Month, ANDREW!

A huge CONGRATULATION to ANDREW for winning the FEBRUARY Member of the Month of 2020.


Andrew was nominated for the following categories:

  • Always give 100% of what you have

  • Be better than yesterday

  • Know who you’re sweating next to

  • Keep the gym tidy

  • No excuses

Andrew has been a massive part of the RCF09 community since he joined us in July 2018. He is always looking to learn and has a tremendously positive attitude :)

He is AWESOME! His dedication to his training is incredible. Always putting in the hard work and looking to get better. Andrew has shown such consistency with his training.

He also got his first Handstand Push up this week!!!! 

You are an incredible part of the 09 family, Thank you for everything you do. We are so incredibly grateful to have you!  


Thank you to ALL of you that voted! It was insane to see the number of votes everyone got :)

Shoutout to ALL our NOMINEES:

Hayley Y, Pat Ferry, Rachel P, Deirdre, Vicky, Liz, Alex V, Craig R, George, Darren, Dom, Jen, Chris, Michael, Steve B, Bronwyn, Nick J, Dan, Kathleen, Kim D, AJ, Riian, Arliah, Julie, Fadi, Lex, Jesse.



Big CONGRATULATIONS to ERIC for winning the PR BOARD award for Fearless February.


He PR’d with a 50 kgs Romanian Deadlift! Well Done Eric.


Deirdre with a 1RM Strict Press at 39kgs

Teresa using a 6kg Med Ball on her WallBalls and Russian twists

Arliah with a 1RM Strict Press at 38kgs

Andrew got his first HSPU!!

Frankie got 300 cals on the Assault Bike in 28:10

Kathleen with a 1RM Strict Press at 30kgs

Emily with a 1RM Strict Press at 40kgs

Liz was able to go with a Supinated grip on her PullUps since breaking her wrist a couple of years ago!!

Coop’s did a double PT with Frankie on a SUPER hot day :)

Jen got 17 unbroken Double Unders!!

Chris got 20 unbroken Double Unders!!

Fadi with a 1RM Strict Press at 56kgs

Hayley.Y got her first Toes to Bar!!

Kris got 500 cals on the Assault Bike in 33:41

Sara attended 3 classes each week for a fortnight + Core activation before each class!! Well done Sara! Awesome work :)

Katie with a 1RM Strict Press at 35.5kgs

Reebok Crossfit 09 is turning 7 this WEEKEND! Our celebration is going to be later in the Month. Details to come!

Thank you for making this community as AMAZING as it is!


CONGRATULATIONS! We have TWO Member of the month AWARDS!


CONGRATULATIONS to your January Member of the Month, NAKI!